Steve Jobs tells a compelling tale of the emotionally taxing lifespan and exceedingly forceful temperament of an imaginative entrepreneur whose thirst for excellence and fierce drive revolutionized six industries. After Jobs, personal computing, the creation of animated movies, digestion of music, function of phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing function would never be the same.
During a time that America is looking for ways to maintain its edge in innovation, and as societies from around the globe are attempting to construct economies in the digital-age, Jobs stands the test of time as the preeminent representation of ingenuity and applying imagination successfully. He understood that the preeminent method of creating product value within the twenty-first century was to tie innovation and technology with an unbreakable bond. Jobs created a company that encouraged stretching the possibilities of imagination and combining those abilities with unmatched extraordinary achievements in engineering.
Although Jobs willingly collaborated with Isaacson in the creation of this book, he never requested a sliver of control over the final product that was ultimately composed nor did he request the opportunity to read it over before it went to publication. Nothing was off-limits for Isaacson in the creation of this book, a quality that gives it so much value in today’s design world. Jobs also implored the people he knew were going to be interview to speak honestly with Isaacson. Jobs spoke truthfully, sometimes bordering on the lines of doing this in a brutal manner, as he described the individuals he employed and worked with, in addition to those he strived to beat.
Jobs’ friends, adversaries, and associates deliver what is ultimately an unembellished perspective on the desires, fastidiousness, fixations, creativity, devilishness, and desire for control that constructed his approach to constructing a business and innovative products that came out of his style of business. According to multiple interviews, demons drove Jobs and these forces could cause those around him to feelings of anger and hopelessness. However, his nature and the products that Apple created were often interrelated, similar to how their hardware and software typically function. This story is educational while also being advisory, full of teachings about originality, charisma, management, and standards.