
2018 Core Values Award Winners

Red Dot award badgeRed Dot award badge
November 27, 2018
Thoughts by
The Trig Team

I just put four decent-sized rocks in the mail.
It brought tears to my eyes and confusion to the UPS guy helping me mail them.

Congratulations Rocks Explorer Archetype

The core values journey

The Trig Core Values were first articulated in 2012, but they really only started to take shape as a central part of the culture in 2016 as we began to discuss them as a team. For the past several quarterly meetings we opened with a discussion on the core values, as articulated at that time, giving everyone an opportunity to shape their meaning. We have diligently used the core values as our primary filter for hiring, firing, and promoting team members, but this is the first time we have rewarded team members for their outstanding demonstration of the values

In preparation for our most recent meeting, it became clear that several team members had done amazing work deserving of special recognition. 2018 was an absolutely crazy year of growth for Trig. We wanted to honor those exemplary employees with something fun and creative, perhaps even start a new tradition. Every quarter Trig team members each take on a special project that we refer to as our “rock” for the quarter, so we decided on a trophy that fit these awards of achievement particularly well.

Introducing: The Rocks.

We Are Hungry

Brian Himelright

With his most recent client project, Brian has grown tremendously as a designer. He has quickly mastered the challenge of late stage development, learning to stay on top of endless details required for the Design-for-Manufacturing stage. His ability to go above and beyond to help our client launch their next generation product deserves the Hungry Award.

We are Hungry

We Are Curious Tinkerers

Patrick Murphy

Patrick embodies the professional version of, ”Hey y’all, watch this!” and “Hold my beer, I got this.” ...but actually following through and impressing all of us. Patrick took on our most complicated mechanical design project to date, leveled up as a designer, and delivered an ambitious completed prototype on deadline.

Curious Tinkerer Rock

We Are Pragmatic

Ashley Whitley

We would not have survived and thrived through this intense period of growth if not for Ashley’s pragmatic leadership. Ashley knows exactly when to take big leaps and when to remain restrained in decision making. She’s also enthusiastic, reliable, and an incredible team builder. As many of you may know, Ashley was promoted to Director of Operations in spring of this year and she has exceeded all expectations from the moment she accepted her new title. Congratulations, Ashley!

Core Values Pragmatic Rock 2018

We Hold the Line

Connie Tran

It makes sense that the first winner of the Hold the Line award is Connie. She is passionate about making sure we deliver our best work, on time, every time. This quarter, she exceeded her own standards by taking on a client challenge that, if we failed, would impact upwards of 70% of their revenues. Connie holds the line. The client has successfully retired years of technical debt, significantly reduced operating expenses, increased revenues, and created a powerful new brand statement that resonates with their customers. The deadline was hit with time to spare, though Connie and her teammates had to put in extra time to make it happen. Connie approaches every single challenge as an opportunity to learn and improve. Read more about Connie’s recent client branding overhaul project in our case studies blog. You won’t believe the difference: Shoelaces Express

Core Values Award Hold the Line 2018
The Trig Team

The Trig Team sometimes likes to go stealth. Engage stealth mode.


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