
Fall 2020 Core Values Awards

Red Dot award badgeRed Dot award badge
November 9, 2020
Thoughts by
The Trig Team

We have a quirky tradition at Trig where we vote internally for employees that best modeled each core value the previous quarter and then recognize these outstanding team members by giving them a painted rock. It might seem silly and whimsical at first, but deep down, the act of preparing and giving a piece of art is a small token of appreciation given to the team member in acknowledgement of their hard work and creativity. Each rock is hand lettered with one of the five core values that help to define Trig’s cultural standards. Check out our winners:

We are Curious Tinkerers

We are Curious Tinkerers

Connie always figures it out. From learning how to translate a site into Spanish, to jumping into UX/UI app design—Connie is a star. She’s proven attentive to problems our clients are experiencing no matter how big or small. A recent example involves a new brand client, Elk Local Foods who were faced with a small dilemma for their new store exterior. Connie put together a quick mock-up in photoshop to help them visualize brand colors on their new shop exterior. I'm sure it only took a few moments for Connie to provide this little solution but it proved to the client their problems matter to us.

We are Pragmatic

We are Pragmatic

During COVID Ashley has definitely demonstrated a pragmatic mindset for the team. Through a strange and difficult year, there have been tough decisions and challenging requests, but she has helped the team to effectively navigate them. She's always the most pragmatic one of us all, so it makes sense this makes her second pragmatic rock.

We are Hungry

We are Hungry

Brian for working long and hard to turn around really cool designs! I am still just so floored about his sprints for the ZEISS UVClean project. He made sure it was done right and worked hard, devoting the extra time needed to execute on the swift client deadline.

We are People First

We are People-First

Kelly always goes the extra mile when it comes to sharing insights and design with the entire team. Even with a move wayyyy across the "world", she continues to demonstrate  a caring attitude toward the team. 

We Hold the Line

We Hold the Line

No one more than Stephen has held the Trig line these past several months. His dedication to portraying the expression and reputation of the Trig brand through his work on the new website launch has been STELLAR. Stephen has been an absolute visionary for Trig's new website—he’s worked hard to get both the overall architecture and the tiny details just right to position our work in a really professional way. He's always up for slapping hands if our brand isn't presented in a way that looks great and expresses our values.

The Trig Team

The Trig Team sometimes likes to go stealth. Engage stealth mode.


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