
Customer Insights and Virtual Ideation

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June 11, 2018
Thoughts by
Kelly Harrigan

Want to set up a proper foundation for your ideas to succeed?

You may think you have a great idea for a new product or service, but do you? Do you really? (The answer is yes of course!) It's easy to second guess yourself and, worse than that, talk yourself right out of a concept that could revolutionize a market if only it were seen through to completion. Set up a proper foundation for your ideas to succeed, then start with a resilient structure built out of research.

The ideation stage is the most complex of all because it is the most open, ambiguous, and uncertain part of the product making process. What problem does your appliance solve for the end user? Who wants what you are offering? Which demographics could benefit the most from learning about your innovations? Don't run yourself ragged trying to do guesswork finding these answers. We take pride in utilizing the most tried-and-true investigative innovation frameworks to answer the most pressing questions with a high degree of confidence.

“The goal for creativity is not to find the right answer, but to explore the range of possibilities. The broader the range of ideas that are explored, the more likely it is that one can discover breakthrough concepts.”

— Brenda Laurel

The initial vision may even be a first step in a whole line of solutions to unmet needs we can uncover, united as a force for unlimited world-changing good. Sometimes, too much information can seem like an unclimbable mountain to navigate as well. Too little or too much information: funny enough, both situations can seem equally daunting when starting out. We deal with this problem of too-much and too-little through disruptive research methodologies and through the market's first virtual ideation sessions, and we're always on the look out for the latest and greatest techniques to getting one step closer to the next big idea.

Statistics are only numbers if you don't have a sharp-minded partners to interpret the "whys" behind the facts. How will your product be received? Is it practical enough? What kind of competition is out there already? The Trig insights team is thrilled to be by your side as we piece together this puzzle of data through our time-tested customer research methodologies that have already been benefiting companies, large and small.

We have the resources and technology to make the discoveries you require and confidently take the journey from ideation to creation. There may be avenues of consumer engagement potential that you haven't realized exist yet.  The key is to understand the drivers behind every demographic group. Our insights team uniquely combines the latest thinking in psychological frameworks and our passion for cross-pollination to discover the best to a new product approach for everyone.

Let's dive right in to brainstorming side by side so we can help pick your best routes of execution. From there, we will collect all the gathered information into beautifully crafted presentations we can share so that you may choose from only a selection of the very best available tactics that will lead you down a path towards design victory.

An updated discussion on working remotely effectively to avoid distractions can be found here

Kelly Harrigan
Senior Design Strategist

Kelly Harrigan is an explorer in both her professional and personal life. Natural curiosity about the world fuels her to uncover the physical, cultural, and environmental forces that shape people’s lives. Connecting the seemingly unrelated dots to inspire new product opportunities is Kelly's sweet spot. While she's comfortable living in the fuzzy front-end, she strives to help others push their creativity threshold as well. At Trig, Kelly is responsible for leading customer research studies, organizing and facilitating ideation sessions, as well as pioneering brand new services with trend research and trend field trips.


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